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Video interviews have a vital role to play, but they won’t always save you time

Published on: 16 Aug 2023

As little as five years ago, the idea of using video interviews as part of a local recruitment process would be almost unheard of in our industry. As a recruitment company, we were continually approached by software providers eager to promote their new video platforms, but at the time it seemed unlikely that remote interviewing would be adopted by the companies we worked with.

Fast forward to the present day, and remote interviewing has become commonplace across the board.

This shift has brought numerous benefits, including increased speed, convenience, and the ability to connect with candidates regardless of their location. That being said, using video interviews in your hiring process might seem like a no-brainer, but it’s important for hiring managers to consider whether video interviews are suitable for all roles - jumping straight to remote screening can mean missing out on important first impressions.

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